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Tortilla Sandwich
Tortilla Sandwich
What is it? A mixture of the Mexican and American heritage which once fused together creates the culture I grew up with. A culture where I watched every India Maria movie, my hero was El Chapulin Colorado, I had atole for breakfast, yet at the same time I never missed an episode of Saturday Night Live, my favorite meal was mom's meatloaf and I dreamed of being in the Ramones.

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July 06, 2005
Quite a menace

You know, back when I was a kid it sure was nice going on road trips. All I had to worry about was making sure I had enough Judy Bloom books to suffice 8 hours on the road, a bag of Cheetos, and a comfy blanket. Things change when you are an adult.

Now you have to worry about making sure the car is tuned up, getting new tires(yes, all four! auugh!), and this crazy little thing called weather.

Let me tell you a story about these two storms called Cindy and Dennis, which it seems are putting a kink in our travel plans next week.

First Cindy passes through, saturating up the states we are driving through, making them flood-worthy and all.

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Now we have to worry about Dennis too, driving through whatever remains of him next week. Early predictions have Dennis hitting the panhandle of Florida (as if those poor people needed that again), so that means there will probably be a lot of storms around the area if Dennis continues on a northward path.

(The line I drew in red from Texas to NC is a rough estimate of where we will drive)
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You may wonder why I am charting out these storms like some sort of mad meteorologist..well the thing is I have been terrified of storms since I can remember. It's almost a phobia of sorts. Since I was a kid I had nightmares about tornadoes and bad storms. I don't know how it started, guess I can chalk it up to living in south Texas and having to go through a lot of bad storms once summer comes around. That and probably watching Places in the Heart when I was young didn't help either.

CJ at 7/06/2005


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